About Me

(in about 359 words..)


My personal philosophy is that one of the most important things we can do in our lives is learn, and one of the best ways to do this is to continually challenge yourself and learn new skills and establish connections. I have been fortunate to have experience a lot of different jobs in the technology sector through my career from software engineering, to big data, to data scientice and most recently to solution architecture for advanced analytics.


In my current role, I am support development teams to bring AI solutions to our end users. My coverage area spans architecture of the solution built on Angular and deployed on OpenShift to DataBricks which is used to ingest, model, and output data and everything in between.

Some history

  • I immigrated to the United States at an early age, and since then my interest for traveling has emerged. With each additional adventure, this passion grows stronger.

  • Before I discovered computer programming, I was without realization a video gaming programmer (tweaker) because with each PC game I played, I always like to tweak the game files to see the effects that those tweaks had on the game engine. In particular, I enjoy driving games/simulation games.

  • Everyone at some point writes their own "Hello World" equivalent of an application when learning to program, I remember my first application written in Java that printed to the white console in Eclipse. I was beyond amazed, and thought that somehow my simple program was reaching the whole world.

  • After finishing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, I wanted to continue formal learning so I enrolled to do a master's degree in Information Technology. This degree has opened my eyes to cloud computing, infrastructure, and virtualization. I have been hooked on the cloud ever since!

  • Since I was young, I always really enjoyed math and statistics, so naturally after finishing the M.S. degree in IT, I enrolled in a M.S. in C.S. program where I specialized on Data Science (ML, NLP, Neural Networks) coursework.

I like

  • Reading books (see my recommendations page)
  • Traveling
  • Working on personal projects
  • Learning/Experimenting with the stock market
  • Driving/Working-on cars
  • Fitness