An Analysis of Transfer Learning for Text-to-SQL
Transfer learning is a machine learning method that’s used in situations with limited data. The idea is to transfer knowledge from one domain to another by training a model on a large dataset, and then ”fine-tuning”the model on a target dataset, which is typically much smaller or more expensive to obtain.In many practical settings fine-tuning is crucial,specifically when the target dataset is not large enough to train a high-quality model, but a large and related dataset is available. In this work we’ll aim to answer questions like ”does transfer learn-ing work for text-to-SQL?”, ”will transfer learning work for this specific dataset?”, ”how many training points do I need?”, and ”how can I use transfer learning for text-to-SQL?”
This was a final project for COMPSCI585 Natural Language Processing class at UMass Amherst. I worked with a group of four other students on this project.